Molding solution for metrology

Moulage de pièce pour en contrôler les dimensions


For more than 35 years, RIVELEC has been offering innovative alternatives to solve its customers’ various problems. It is with this in mind that it has set up the PLASTIFORM range.
Thanks to the constant improvement of our products, we have developed increasingly sophisticated products. These allow us to carry out a dimensional inspection of the internal characteristics of your mechanical part.

All our products are renowned for their quality and reliability in many demanding fields. The aeronautics, automotive, medical and pharmaceutical industries recognize PLASTIFORM products as essential in the quality control process of mechanical parts.

The use of our products will allow you to obtain a metrology accurate to the micron. Easily usable, the range will provide you with information about the characteristics of your part.
Roughness and thickness are all information that can be obtained through the use of our products.

The realization of the control that can destroy your part will only be a distant memory with
the products of the company RIVELEC. These allow high-resolution molding to be carried out
on simple and complex parts. The dimensional inspection of internal characteristics can be carried out on various and varied parts. The large volume of the part, its fragility, its inaccessibility are difficulties easily solved by our products.

contrôle dimensionnel internes


For several decades, questions concerning ecology and sustainable development have increasingly affected companies. RIVELEC has developed the PLASTIFORM range for this purpose. This range is environmentally friendly and corresponds to the values and image that our company wants to convey.

All our products allowing us to carry out dimensional controls of internal characteristics, roughness and thickness controls are non-polluting but also non-toxic. The disposal of cartridges and sealants in small quantities is carried out in traditional waste.

Our company, which is aware of ecological issues, is tending to develop increasingly eco-responsible products.

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